Stuff happens. And sometimes you need to get cash together quickly to deal with things. Unfortunately, you may not have extra cash available and need a quick way to raise some money. If you own your car, you can use a title loan to get that cash quickly. With title loans in Woodland Landing, you can even get it today.
You can use the funds from the loan for anything you need. You might need to make repairs on your car. You might have a medical emergency or need to replace the refrigerator that just conked out. Or you might have an overdue bill that you must pay immediately to avoid problems. It doesn’t matter why you need the money. You can get a title loan debt relief to help cover your immediate cash needs.
All you need to do is provide some basic information about the car, get a loan offer, then sign some paperwork. You walk away with the cash you need and can get back to living life.
We have made the application process easy for South Carolina car title loans. All you need to do is provide some basic information to get started. It takes mere seconds.
All you need to do is give us:
That’s it. We will go out and process the information. You will get a free title loan estimate based on the value of the car. We will be happy to answer any questions you might have and get you setup to go sign the final paperwork.
Every state has its own laws and regulations in place when it comes to title loans. The only restriction the federal government makes is that a borrower must be 18 years or older.
In South Carolina, there is no maximum or minimum amount for a title loan. It is completely based on the value of the car. However, South Carolina does restrict the amount of interest due on loans below $600. For that reason, some lenders will not lend anything less than $600.
Loans can be taken out for a minimum of 30 days or a maximum of 120 days. Most lenders go with 30 day loans. If you are unable to pay the principal of the loan at the end of the loan period, you can extend the loan for a new term of the same length. So, if your initial loan was for 30 days, the extension would also be for 30 days.
You can extend the loan for up to 6 intervals. After that, you must pay the loan in full, though you can spread those payments out for up to 6 months.
The most immediate benefit of taking a car title loan is the sheer convenience of getting money quickly. Once you sign the paperwork, you can walk out with cash in hand. It usually takes less than an hour. All you need is the title, your identification and the car. You don’t need income verification, bank statements, or anything like that.
The car is your collateral. But, the lender only keeps the title, not the car. So, if you need that car to go to work, you have it.
You have very flexible repayment options with the ability to extend the loan for additional terms and for the ability to pay the principal out over several months.
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