Sometimes the most frustrating thing about trying to apply for things you need is dealing with people who may not be as eager to help you as they are eager to help themselves or their organization. Such is often the case down at your local social services department or when applying for a loan at your bank. We know when you just need a little help for your current situation, it feels cold to have to work through piles of paperwork and then wait just to find out if you can have a little money. But at our title loans in St. Andrews, SC company we aren’t like that. We are here to work with you to try and help you get a loan as soon as possible.
What do we mean by title loans? Title loans are really very easy-to-get loans that nearly anyone who owns a vehicle will qualify for. You don’t have to worry about sitting in the office of a tough loan officer taking their time to scrutinize you. Instead, we only have you fill out simple paperwork about your vehicle and your loan terms and don’t even check your credit. That’s because title loans are secured loans and do not rely on credit history to determine the risk. Plus we believe everyone should have a chance to get title loans even if they’ve had some financial troubles in the past.
Our application process for title loans in St. Andrews is broken down into two steps. The first step is applying online, and then the second is heading to one of our lender’s stores to take care of the final steps. Applying this way will make sure you spend less time at the title loan store and get back to business as usual. Our application form will record the following information about your vehicle:
You’ll also need to give us your contact information so we can give you an estimated vehicle title loan quote and arrange an appointment for you with one of our lenders. This quote will probably not be the final amount you’re approved for as our lenders will need to inspect your vehicle to make that determination. You will need to bring these documents when you finalize your application at the lender’s store:
Title loans are all regulated at the state level, though some cities do make additional local ordinances for them. The South Carolina legislative branch has a comprehensive list that you can find here, but there are two that should be highlighted in big letters.
1. The lender has to determine “in good faith” that you can repay your title loan, which is why your proof of income is important.
2. If you’re struggling to make payments, it’s possible to rollover the loan but it can only be done 6 times at the most and only for 240 days.
Our quick online title loans not only come with speedy approval times, they also uphold user privacy. We know that you probably don’t want your financial situation being spread around to people such as your friends, family or employer so we do not notify them at all when you apply with us. And you can use your title loan for any reason at all. We do not ask what you need it for, we only ask that it be repaid as soon as possible.
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