Needing money isn’t always a matter of having to catch up on bills or pay for a small crisis. There are times when money is needed for that little something extra you want to buy just because you want something new or special. Everyone has a wish list, but instead of always window shopping those items, get the money, and buy them. Title loans in Shenandoah can give you the cash you want in a matter of hours, allowing you to go shopping as soon as possible.
Title loans in Shenandoah give potential borrowers a chance to get a personal loan by using their car, truck or other vehicle as loan security. The lender puts a temporary lien against the borrower’s vehicle until they pay the money back, and the lender keeps the title during the loan period. Any applicant can apply with an equal chance of being approved for a title loan because there is no credit check. Title lenders view each applicant as a potential client who is more than a three number credit score.
An online application for title loans can’t get any simpler than ours. All you do is tell us the make, model, year, style and mileage of your vehicle. We do need your name and a way to contact you, but the car details are all we need to get the vehicle’s value, and make a loan offer. If you’re interested in what we’re offering, we need to get a few more details about your vehicle to solidify the loan amount. You’ll also give us a few details about your income, and we’ll set up a payment plan that fits your budget. After we finish the loan package and get the title certificate, you get the cash.
While there are no specific title loan laws in Louisiana, lenders are regulated by the state’s Consumer Credit Law. Loan terms have a minimum of two months, and loan amounts may not go below $350.
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