Do you have damaged credit? If you do, you already know that the worst part about having poor credit isn’t that you can’t finance a houseful of furniture or that you have to pay a hefty deposit to open an account with the electric company. The worst part about having bad credit is you can’t get an emergency loan when you truly need help. No bank or credit union will care that you’re facing eviction or your child needs medical care. If you have poor credit, the banks will turn you away.
But, there’s one option you can always turn to: title loans in Rexburg, Idaho. Title loans in Rexburg are completely different from the banks and credit unions. We don’t care if you have bad credit because we’ll never check it. We offer easy online title loans that range from $500 to $10,000 and even more! How can we do that without checking your credit?
We can do it by requiring collateral from you to secure your loan. For Pocatello online title loans, the collateral we require is the title of a car or truck you own. We’ll put a temporary lien on your title and hold it while you make your payments. Since we don’t run credit checks, having that title is sort of like our insurance; we feel safe taking a chance on loaning large amounts of money to people with poor credit because we know they’ll make their payments to protect the ownership of their car.
The first requirement for applying for title loans in Rexburg is owning your own car. The car must be paid off and the title must be clean and in your own name. If you share the title with someone else, like a spouse, both of you must apply for the loan. If the title is in someone else’s name entirely, like your parents’, then they either have to apply for the loan or they need to transfer the title to you.
If you’re still paying on your car but only have one or two payments left, we may be able to work with you. These are called 2nd lien title loans.
You also need income. If you aren’t working, we can accept income from any of these sources:
Start your application here by filling out the quote form. Just tell us about your car so we can estimate its value and give us your contact information. When you hit “enter,” our system will automatically generate a quote. Then, we’ll call to see if you want to proceed to get your money. If you do, we’ll set up a time for you to pay us a quick visit.
When you come, bring your driver’s license, a piece of mail as proof of address, pay stubs or bank statements for the past three months, the title and the vehicle itself. We can have you back out, money in hand, in under an hour!
Title loans sometimes get bad press. Yes, the interest rates are slightly higher than typical loans and, yes, we ask for your car title as collateral. But this is how we bypass the credit check. We’re interested in helping people who get turned down every day by the big banks and credit unions who look down on them.
Title loans in Rexburg follow all the state laws that govern them. We offer a viable and helpful borrowing option for the people who need it most. Why don’t you see how much money you qualify for and let us help you, too?
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