Realizing that you are in need of some cash quick for bills or for an emergency can leave you feeling stressed and confused about what to do. Thankfully, there are many loan options to choose from. However, if you are needing money fast, then a car title loan may be in your best interest. Title loans Mesa are a great option because you can easily and quickly apply for them from the comfort of your own home. As long as you have a working vehicle with a clean title, you can apply online. In most cases, the online application for title loans can be completed in under an hour.
A title loan is a short-term, secured loan that applicants may apply for using their car’s title as collateral to secure the loan. In many instances, the borrower will not have to go through a credit check in order to get approval. This means that title loans are the perfect option for people needing money quick and for those people who have less-than-stellar credit ratings.
Title loans in Mesa and car title loans in Chandler are very simple to apply for online. Our applications here at Title Loans Online only require a little bit of basic information to complete. When starting the application, you will need to supply information about the car in question including the make, model and year. You will also need to supply the lender with the current mileage on the car as well. As for the borrower’s information, you will need to include the full name, zip code, address and a contact number to be reached at. Once the application is completed and submitted, you will receive a free loan quote. Afterwards, a friendly representative will contact you at your earliest convenience in order to discuss your quote and go over the terms and conditions. If you accept them, they will also help you set up a repayment plan as well.
All title loan companies have to follow certain rules and regulations regarding their loans. Each state has their own set of rules to follow. In Arizona, there is no max to the amount a lender can give a borrower for a title loan. However, they do have some stipulations to follow. The APR for a loan of less than $500 can not go over seventeen percent. For loans less than $2500 and more than $500, the interest rate can not be more than fifteen percent each month. For loans less than $5000, the interest can not be more than thirteen percent per month while loans over $5000 cannot have an interest rate of more than ten percent a month.
Simple Process
The application process for taking out a title loan in Mesa is very quick and easy. There are not many other loan options where you can apply and receive your money in as little as one business day.
No Credit Check Needed
For borrowers who have bad credit and need money fast, a title loan is a perfect option. Most lenders will not require a credit check in order to be approved for the loan.
When you take out title loans in Mesa, you will find that you are still going to be able to use the car while you are paying off the loan. When you apply, you will need to hand over the title to the lender. When you have finished repaying the loan, you will receive your title back.
Easy To Pay Back
Title loans are easy to repay. When you first apply, you will work with your loan representative to set up an easy payment plan that works for you.
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