There are a number of situations where you might need a short-term loan solution to help you pull through. Title loans Irmo can help you quickly procure five-figure sums of cash to keep the ball rolling when there’s a medical emergency, an urgent flight is needed to visit a relative, or when you’re just not going to make it on dues this month. The important part is to stay cool and don’t panic.
The first people you’d normally talk to are your closest friends and family members, but it’s not uncommon to find that they can’t help you in the ways that you need. The good news is, title loans Irmo offer the following:
• Up to tens of thousands in as little as one hour
• Lower interest rates than cash advance, payday or unsecured personal loans
• Credit score not considered
There’s only one catch. True to their name, title loans require that you use the title to your car, motorcycle or boat as collateral. This document is also used as a means of determining how large your loan can be. The bottom line is, it doesn’t affect your power to use the associated vehicle while the loan is out, and we’ll return the title to you once you’ve paid everything off.
Fortunately, we don’t offer all these great benefits at a high price. The way some of these other lenders work would make you wonder what they must be thinking in their cubicles: “Who needs an arm and a leg, anyway?” Our company doesn’t work like that. The only details that you’ll need for the application are as follows:
• A phone number that our representatives can connect with in as little as 15 minutes
• Your name, so we know how to grace you when we call
• An email address where you’ll receive a hard copy of the loan details
• The most basic bits about your vehicle — make, model, mileage and year
• Your ZIP code
We’ll look over your information and fire a call back as soon as humanly possible to let you know the good news and provide you with a free loan estimate. If you decide that you’re ready to move to the next step, we’ll need to see proof of stable income and some form of identification to prove your likeness. You’ll also need to be at least 18 years of age.
Lending companies have admittedly developed a less-than-cool reputation over the years for their ability to pull one over on clients, although many lender vendors have maintained their integrity over time and proven that some of us are genuinely in the business of helping you out of your situation. Fortunately, it’s very difficult to be scammed anymore thanks to a few basic laws that we’d like to share with you.
1. Usury
In South Carolina, it’s illegal for any loan company (including ours) to jump your APR over 10%, ever. Doing so constitutes a federal crime known as usury.
2. Entrapment
Recent laws have mandated that we check the financial status of our clients before distributing title loans Irmo. Basically, if you can’t pay off the loan on time, we have to either lower the loan amount or deny it altogether.
3. Repossession
In case you were worried about it, title loan vendors don’t really profit all that nicely from claiming someone’s vehicle. You have 30 days to refinance your loan plan after it becomes delinquent; after that, we may take the vehicle.
South Carolina car title loans offer all of the upsides of other lender vendors with almost none of the drawbacks. Let’s gloss over those benefits once more:
1. Cash advance? Auto loans deliver just as quickly.
2. Payday loans? Auto loans don’t require credit checks, either.
3. Signature loans? Auto loans can offer just as much cash at even lower rates.
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